jkak : Still overprice newbie. Way down more to 190!
smartRabbit OP jkak : i think u r exaggerating too much.if u can predict the price wondering how much u made last year
jkak smartRabbit OP : Newbie
jkak : Hoamm.. i understand your heavy loas last year. Keep learning from your life leassons newbie
smartRabbit OP jkak : in fact i used my gain last year bought another condo
jkak smartRabbit OP : Proof it newbie?
jkak : lv47. Buy condo your head la. wkwkwk
jkak : Still overprice newbie. Way down more to 190!
smartRabbit OP jkak : i think u r exaggerating too much.if u can predict the price wondering how much u made last year
jkak smartRabbit OP : Newbie
jkak : Hoamm.. i understand your heavy loas last year. Keep learning from your life leassons newbie
smartRabbit OP jkak : in fact i used my gain last year bought another condo
jkak smartRabbit OP : Proof it newbie?
jkak : lv47. Buy condo your head la. wkwkwk