102539156 Dan : No idea.. I also wondering… have been holding.. n accumulating.. when drop, it just dropped suddenly n cliff down… no chance to cut
Alex Sg OP 102539156 Dan : yes will you buy in at low price now or continue hold?
BeeTang : Looks like key reversal day if tomorrow confirms.. I bought the falling knife earlier, with other considerations in check. Let’s see..
Alex Sg OP BeeTang : yes but it has dropped many days oredi. what price do u buy in just now when jardine fall sharply?
102539156 Dan : No idea.. I also wondering… have been holding.. n accumulating.. when drop, it just dropped suddenly n cliff down… no chance to cut
Alex Sg OP 102539156 Dan : yes will you buy in at low price now or continue hold?
BeeTang : Looks like key reversal day if tomorrow confirms.. I bought the falling knife earlier, with other considerations in check. Let’s see..
Alex Sg OP BeeTang : yes but it has dropped many days oredi. what price do u buy in just now when jardine fall sharply?