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$Tesla (TSLA.US)$ No secret I’m a huge Tesla bull (not to be mistaken with being a TSLA bull absolutist, in the very short term, at least). One thing is the company (actually the best in the market), and one thing is the stock (one of the most volatile on the market). WHY ?
- politics, world macro and FED
- market’s cyclical trend
- Elon fucking around (though for respectable reasons) 😂
- Shorters, FUD and overreaction of retail traders
If you just look at the numbers (+40% sales year over year and profits) you see an incredibly bright picture. If you listen to the “noise” it sounds like things are getting bad (OF COURSE NOT). The “noise” keeps sounding like: COMPETITION is coming, golden days are gone and Tesla is doomed 😂😂😂.
REALITY: is there is NO other bEV  (BYD sells 1/2 hybrids with combustion engines at a profit and 1/2 bEVs without a profit) that sells 1,3 million EVs with TWO models (having many common parts) generating a 25-30% margin. And the efficientlty “redesigned” model 3 is coming (possibly with a 20% production cost reduction going along with huge scale savings) to balance and overwhelm the latest price cuts. “Competition” is fucked, not Tesla, by sure. Just watch…
That’s why I’m so confident in the company… Though I take profit of the downside, not by shorting (I just can’t feel it) but with the pro or inverse ETFs (TSLL, TSLS, SPXL, SPXS), then convert the gains into 25to75% discount on the purchase of new TSLA stock.
That’s the goal: pile up TSLA for the moment it will boost again (no matter when it happens, as I can’t control it). Then you sell from 1/3 to 2/3 at the different higher highs over ATH to get more liquidity and buy again in the lows (whole cash or with the -25 to -75% discount, when you get to 1/3 cash left). Easy pisy.
Of course, you can’t get “distracted” by other stocks and you have to stay cool in the downturns, seeing them as big buying opportunities: just the opposite of what 90% of retail traders do when they panic sell… which is one of the reasons why 90% of retail traders loose money.
My advice is: don’t loose money 😂
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