(We would like to inform you of the following event:
Japfa Ltd, UD2 - Distribution in Specie Election - 20230113
· Option 1: To receive cash amount equal to net proceeds of the sale (AAG shares will be disposed of in the market by CGS-CIMB) (Default)
· Option 2: To receive AAG Shares in Share Certificate form
· Option 3: To receive AAG Shares to be held with Moomoo Financial Singapore Pte Ltd)
Win666DD : Need to wait few months for the funds to be return? For the option 1…
user77248281 : what if aag drop below 6HKD?
Stock Watch OP Win666DD : Yes. at least 2 months.
Stock Watch OP user77248281 : Option 1 : the bank will sell within the given times. So u will know only when the cash returns to u.
Option 3, u control when to sell
J huat : If I choose Option 1, how much can I get per share?
Stock Watch OP J huat : Will know when u get the cash..Cos option 1 authorised the agent to act on behalf of u.
To me, the agent will " act" to their benefits. They even can sell low to their "own people " .
Stock Watch OP J huat : Since Moo can trade HK market, Option 3 still the best, to me.
J huat Stock Watch OP :
JoJo123 : Agreed option 3
Stock Watch OP JoJo123 :
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