But now that the country has opened, his amusement park revenue will increase, and the next financial report may improve, and if he's not that crazy now, interest rate hikes may not fall back below 95
The market is bullish after the MACD indicator shows a cross signal. If the market can break through the pressure level in the future, you can continue to hold. Falling below the support level is recommended to reduce positions appropriately, increase, and lower back.
Domestic openness has increased financial results by a bit. The current opening up is definitely good for the tourism industry, but Disney also has movies and TV taking the lead? Have you ever thought about it
He bought so many copyrights like Marvel and 20fox. His current price is the price of 2015. It's impossible to even think about it. He's now a big gold pit. He's about the same as Netflix, but in fact, he should be more stable and valuable than him because of his many copyrights and amusement parks
王权富贵 : What price did you buy it
mimu OP 王权富贵 : 93
王权富贵 mimu OP : I started in my 90's, are you doing short-term work
mimu OP 王权富贵 : Now he earns 6% like this, but sooner or later he will return to 120 like this
王权富贵 mimu OP : You can throw high and low, if you want to hold it to death, or you can take a profit first. I do fast in and out quickly.
mimu OP 王权富贵 : But now that the country has opened, his amusement park revenue will increase, and the next financial report may improve, and if he's not that crazy now, interest rate hikes may not fall back below 95
王权富贵 mimu OP : The market is bullish after the MACD indicator shows a cross signal. If the market can break through the pressure level in the future, you can continue to hold. Falling below the support level is recommended to reduce positions appropriately, increase, and lower back.
王权富贵 mimu OP : Domestic openness has increased financial results by a bit. The current opening up is definitely good for the tourism industry, but Disney also has movies and TV taking the lead? Have you ever thought about it
mimu OP 王权富贵 : He bought so many copyrights like Marvel and 20fox. His current price is the price of 2015. It's impossible to even think about it. He's now a big gold pit. He's about the same as Netflix, but in fact, he should be more stable and valuable than him because of his many copyrights and amusement parks
王权富贵 mimu OP : This comment section is still not very convenient haha
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