I fucking bought for 5.94 today cus i alr had faith and analyse it that it will rise cus of CNY and china tourist but didn’t know it drop
Always Hungryy
you need to hold for a while if the number doesn't rise. everyone in green can potentially take profit. lesson to learn is don't impulse buy, set a price and wait for it.
huathuatyes : ya lor sian, y nv hit 6
Wilson1406 OP huathuatyes : I fucking bought for 5.94 today cus i alr had faith and analyse it that it will rise cus of CNY and china tourist but didn’t know it drop
Poh1207 : hold on first
madman123 : going back to $10... SIA working with TATA airways is going to make big money in India...
BenjaminPeh : Got some at 5.5 holding , it’s a long haul
Wilson1406 OP BenjaminPeh : But i bought at 5.94 sia… I’m losing money via paper transactions
huathuatyes Wilson1406 OP : can only hope for miracle tmr
Small bull : sell, next chapter is major recession.
Always Hungryy : you need to hold for a while if the number doesn't rise. everyone in green can potentially take profit. lesson to learn is don't impulse buy, set a price and wait for it.