Questionable Invts
Dude that's same old shit pumping AMC squeeze small retail shorters followed by price dropping new low. Just not allowing retail shorters jump on downwards trend of AMC, you will be gone once AMC collapses back down $3.73 continuing fall below $3. Only idiots are ones believing that holding bag at $6 will pay off once shorters cover, well am aiming buy below $3 so when shorters cover am insured profits before those average down pumpers.
Dumb Money Space Ape : They are dumb. I expect a pullback but I am not leaving!
Questionable Invts : Dude that's same old shit pumping AMC squeeze small retail shorters followed by price dropping new low. Just not allowing retail shorters jump on downwards trend of AMC, you will be gone once AMC collapses back down $3.73 continuing fall below $3. Only idiots are ones believing that holding bag at $6 will pay off once shorters cover, well am aiming buy below $3 so when shorters cover am insured profits before those average down pumpers.
Thoth Industries : Both are complete and absolute dumbasses.