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Please Take My Advice.

I hope you fine deep pocket having mother fuckers do realize that some of the people who follow you, are 100% short sellers. They trade no other way. Most of you have no clue on what you're doing and ask questions constantly. Giving short sellers fodder for taking your money. You literally post how much you have in your position and what your sell points are then wonder why as soon as you buy the shit hits the fan and you lose. When you post about what position you're in and what your sell point is, FUCKIN LIE!!! When I post publicly I throw some crazy shit in their like $Creatd (CRTD.US)$  or $GLOBAL TECH INDUSTRIES GROUP INC (GTII.US)$ or $MarineMax (HZO.US)$ or some shit, with the actual positions. Throw them off. Make them guess. When you go to the ATM, do you turn around and tell everyone what your pin number is or how much is in your account? NO, you don't. There's infinite gain possibilities with these micro cap stocks but you have to have common sense and you have to cover your own ass. Fuck everyone else, fuck diamond hands. There's a whole other side to trading that most of you don't even know exists, that is making a killing from your ignorance and it's not illegal. Did some of you notice that when the volume slowed on one position, a different one that people were talking about last week is now blasting off and most of you fuck heads pulled out all of your profits from the first "squeeze" to try and catch another? Yeah that amount it crashed is now their profit. Those read numbers you see to the right of that stock ticker you had to have, your losses? That's their's plus the amount it dropped after you took your losses and went to the next. If you don't do your research, have common sense with your money, and learn how to protect your investment. You'll never get anywhere, learn trailing stop loss limit orders and  bracket "child orders" when you purchase the position. Just go open a Fidelity account and buy large Cap Blend mutual funds. fastest and safest way to be a millionaire, takes time though. Otherwise you'll continue to be laughed at, and you don't even notice it. Their literally telling you how much they made off you "48" and "1000". Pretty sure you figure that out....
Please Take My Advice.
Please Take My Advice.
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  • STD0825 : oh did someone lose their shirt......cry a river. Sounds like you know enough to find your way out. Go eat d.

  • Purdy Squatch OP : No dip shit. Trying to help you hard headed fuckers out. We're all here to make money. Learn how to do it. By the way I didn't lose anything. I haven't lost on a position since 2021. Judging by how angry you are, you lost a good bit....

  • RIPPER : Do you really think a single person investing in a stock on moomoo is going to one, entice someone to short, sell a stock and two that individual person on moomoo asking a question is going to make any difference in the movement of the price?   I’m not trying to be rude just completely frank… If a short seller traded in such a manner and expected positive result out of such small scenario, then they have no idea what they’re doing.

  • RIPPER : Not to mention a solid year r two ago the majority of short-sellers realized it’s not worth it to try to short sell the opposite of public sentiment.. do some still use retail as short selling tactic? Yes, of course, but only the biggest fish and most of the time it’s positive sentiment they generated themselves with a detailed agenda of raising public awareness, do you have the crowd gains while pumping it on a bullish part of stocks pattern, and then short sale on the Bearishnway down part of pattern.

    Remember, you cannot climb straight up a mountain. Even a stock currently trading in its own bull run has pullbacks and waves down throughout the process up

  • rabid rabit RIPPER : [undefined]

  • rawrrrbucks : Pt$2!!!!!

  • Purdy Squatch OP RIPPER : Not a single person, there's more than you think. All the information needed to short effectively is in front of everyone. Especially on a platform as easy to navigate as this, along with the unfiltered social media aspect of it too. I honestly have been researching how to short for a while now. It is the most effective way to make money in the market during this time and age. I don't know every aspect of how to play the market but i am reading and researching daily. I might be wrong, I sometimes am but from what I've researched so far, granted I haven't tried yet, is look for stocks with increased short volume, which is posted every other trading day I think? Then look for certain institutions known for shorting that recently took a position in that stock (I honestly haven't looked into which institutions those would be). Do your own research in the comments on position size and about where everyone is looking to exit. Start your own short position and wait for a catalyst. Close short position when news that Triggers retail investors attention is released and stock climbs. Reinstate short position when people get nervous and start asking about a sell price or when volume slows etc. etc. Now the person with repeated "48" share purchases, is just one person.  But there is no reason that I can see to have the need of large social media  crowds coming together when institutions who can get away with illegally shorting are doing all the work. I don't mind being humbled, I can admit when I'm wrong. If there's variables I'm missing from this. Or if I'm completely ass backwards on this. Then educate me. And by the way it's not about people asking questions, it's the people answering them with random numbers. Probably should have worded that differently.

  • Purdy Squatch OP RIPPER : The only things I've read that a short seller would need is Diligence, patience in timing and capital, AKA daddy money.

  • 72808581 Purdy Squatch OP : I’ll rip that stupid beard off of your ugly face and glue it back on your chin upside down you fat headed fucktard.  

  • 来たか : i followed people because they're sharing valuable opinion, this is great for a beginner like me, thanks for sharing.  (just to clarify that i am not a short seller)

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