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Netflix surged 7% after Q4 earnings: Back to its glory?
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Reasons for Netflix comeback in Jan 2023

Despite a YoY decrease of 90.9% for Q4 2022 net profit, that does not stop Netflix ( $Netflix (NFLX.US)$ ) share price from dropping. Instead, it surged 7% after the earnings result announced on 19 Jan 2023.

There could be a few reasons behind the share price increase, such as the following ones:

1. The number of paid subscribers has increased by 4% YoY to 230.75M memberships.

2. Reveue has also increased by 1.9% YoY to 7.85B.
Reasons for Netflix comeback in Jan 2023
3. EPS estimates by analysts have increased from 0.484 in Q4 2022 to 2.868 for Q1 2023.
Reasons for Netflix comeback in Jan 2023
4. Revenue estimates by analysts have increased from 7.856B in Q4 2022 to 8.177B for Q1 2023.
Reasons for Netflix comeback in Jan 2023
5. Institutions holding the stocks have increased from 2045 in Q3 2022 to 2144 in Q4 2022.
Reasons for Netflix comeback in Jan 2023
For Mooers who would like to diversify their investment and lower the risk of buying individual stocks, they may get funds such as the Fidelity Funds - Global Technology Fund ( $Fidelity Funds-Global Technology Fund (LU1046421795.MF)$ and $Fidelity Funds-Global Technology Fund (LU1823568750.MF)$ ), which Netflix cover 1.88% of the total position. The fund offers two currency class - USD and SGD, and it also invests in various technology stocks such as Microsoft ( $Microsoft (MSFT.US)$ ), Apple ( $Apple (AAPL.US)$ ), Salesforce ( $Salesforce (CRM.US)$ ), Alphabet Class A ( $Alphabet-A (GOOGL.US)$ ) and Amazon ( $Amazon (AMZN.US)$ ), which is currently the top 5 in the fund.

Also, Mooers can trade ETFs such as the Global X FANG+ ETF ( $Global X FANG+ ETF (FANG.AU)$ AUD currency class) and Samsung NYSE FANG+ ETF ( $Samsung NYSE FANG+ ETF (02814.HK)$ HKD currency class and $Samsung NYSE FANG+ ETF (09814.HK)$ USD currency class). Netflix is around 10% of the total position for the mentioned ETFs, whereby the top 5 position from Global X includes Meta Platforms ( $Meta Platforms (META.US)$ ) and Advanced Micro Devices ( $Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$ ) while the Samsung one includes Snowflake ( $Snowflake (SNOW.US)$ ) in their top 5 position.

Both Funds and ETFs can be found on the $Futu Holdings Ltd (FUTU.US)$ MooMoo platform.

So, which one will Mooers consider to buy in Q1 2023?
We have come to the end of today's topic. Remember to show your support by follow, like, share and comment on this post and as always, don't forget to DYODD (Do your own due diligence) when making any kind of investment. Thank you and wish all a Happy Lunisolar New Year 2023.

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