Notorious DAVe
Lot of talk about it in the retail spaces. I got in under 0.18 but not the size I wanted, I’ll wait to see what happens between 9-10, May double down good luck
OPNotorious DAVe
Yea I mean at these prices the risk is low compared to getting in at $3.00 or more lol. I think there will be a lot of momentum these next few weeks because January is squeeze season and hedgies are scared af
Notorious DAVe : Lot of talk about it in the retail spaces. I got in under 0.18 but not the size I wanted, I’ll wait to see what happens between 9-10, May double down good luck
71792784 OP Notorious DAVe : Yea I mean at these prices the risk is low compared to getting in at $3.00 or more lol. I think there will be a lot of momentum these next few weeks because January is squeeze season and hedgies are scared af