I'm never going to stop rubbing this in bears faces if a merger actually happens. If you think I'm annoying now then you ain't seen nothing yet
Matthew D
Im not like optionking who will tell u today 100% bankrupt go to 1buck, but currently the odds are favouring merger based on actions by company.
RIPPER : Those call options I picked up yesterday late afternoon paid off!
BAG FINDER GENERAL : I'm never going to stop rubbing this in bears faces if a merger actually happens. If you think I'm annoying now then you ain't seen nothing yet
Matthew D OP BAG FINDER GENERAL : They are extremely busy trying to sell their puts but noone is buying
BAG FINDER GENERAL Matthew D OP : OPTIONSQUEEN is desperately contacting his students in a panic
APRoyalOak : so what the conclusion, will this stock declare bankruptcy in the end or will it raise back.
Matthew D OP APRoyalOak : Im not like optionking who will tell u today 100% bankrupt go to 1buck, but currently the odds are favouring merger based on actions by company.
BAG FINDER GENERAL APRoyalOak : No one knows. You'll just have to wait and see