27673619 : Where are you going to run
102231032 27673619 : What are your friend's earnings recently?
102313005 OP 102231032 : OK, what about you?
102313005 OP 27673619 : safety zone
102231032 102313005 OP : This year has only just started. I haven't earned much, and last year overall was just under 40%
102231032 102313005 OP : What kind of tickets do your friends currently hold?
27673619 : Where are you going to run
102231032 27673619 : What are your friend's earnings recently?
102313005 OP 102231032 : OK, what about you?
102313005 OP 27673619 : safety zone
102231032 102313005 OP : This year has only just started. I haven't earned much, and last year overall was just under 40%
102231032 102313005 OP : What kind of tickets do your friends currently hold?