BuyLowSellHighTrader : It's safe to put it in the bag
102137116 : How many units did u buy for this option?
不去想就好了 : How can I buy this?
dwarrior : Fierce
wantqq123 不去想就好了 : If you don't know how to buy options, don't touch them; the risk is too high.
EmeraldYin : Stock god!
zthecccom OP 102137116 : 20
不去想就好了 wantqq123 : I want to know
102231032 102137116 : Futures index futures require large sums of money to guarantee one's position and not lose its position
LA-Garfield : People always show their bright and beautiful side to everyone. It's like a peacock opens the screen .
BuyLowSellHighTrader : It's safe to put it in the bag
102137116 : How many units did u buy for this option?
不去想就好了 : How can I buy this?
dwarrior : Fierce
wantqq123 不去想就好了 : If you don't know how to buy options, don't touch them; the risk is too high.
EmeraldYin : Stock god!
zthecccom OP 102137116 : 20
不去想就好了 wantqq123 : I want to know
102231032 102137116 : Futures index futures require large sums of money to guarantee one's position and not lose its position
LA-Garfield : People always show their bright and beautiful side to everyone. It's like a peacock opens the screen