Wonderful Day : Are you sure
414134 OP Wonderful Day : Con9lan7Firm
rennymc : Use caution when anyone uses the word “confirm.” Especially when they are a noob
414134 OP rennymc : If you cannot handle joke pls gtfo from internet
rennymc 414134 OP : How does any part of your statement imply comedy?
414134 OP rennymc : Maybe your ego too high that’s why I can’t understand
Wonderful Day : Are you sure
414134 OP Wonderful Day : Con9lan7Firm
rennymc : Use caution when anyone uses the word “confirm.” Especially when they are a noob
414134 OP rennymc : If you cannot handle joke pls gtfo from internet
rennymc 414134 OP : How does any part of your statement imply comedy?
414134 OP rennymc : Maybe your ego too high that’s why I can’t understand