As per current data: 25 basis points But, to avoid repeating history, I believe Fed will increase 50 basis points.. if not today, it will be next month!
Always Hungryy
it's almost certain 25. but will that be green or red day? I reckon it depends whether people are in a good mood or not, and whether it's a sunny day or raining wherever the traders are.
Federal reserve is just an extension of thieves on power . They should return the money stolen on federal reserve and it will be enough for next 7 generations . No need to increase rates for a long time . Plus they are killing the market with trillion of synthetic shares without mercy daily .
Triston Chua : Like to compare with the history
Ixy The Cat : 25 basis points now. No pivot, more rate hikes in store down the road. That's my reading.
SHAAGUL : As per current data: 25 basis points
But, to avoid repeating history, I believe Fed will increase 50 basis points.. if not today, it will be next month!
71754015 : How about clearing up the syntheic /illegally shorted shares on MMTLP, GME, AMC, exct.... Nobody is giving a fuuuuck about interest rates
Always Hungryy : it's almost certain 25. but will that be green or red day? I reckon it depends whether people are in a good mood or not, and whether it's a sunny day or raining wherever the traders are.
StlCtyPreach : Good Luck and Happy Trading
YellowPika : shall see. inflation happening and chances of 50 basis point is there
71519856 : Federal reserve is just an extension of thieves on power . They should return the money stolen on federal reserve and it will be enough for next 7 generations . No need to increase rates for a long time . Plus they are killing the market with trillion of synthetic shares without mercy daily .
IAmNikolaTesla : Increase it by 75 basis points. And make the next one 100. #federalmarket #Jeromepowell
ironpan : something smell weird lol
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