71792784 : Why do you believe the numbers they give out? It’s all fake like the price lol.
Zeumthi OP 71792784 : Anything is fake if you want it to be
John 3 16 : I would not be surprised. It was 287% in the morning. Inflow beat outflow and the price went down. They must have borrowed lots of shares to bring it down. I held my shares and added more when I saw all this manipulation.
Kenny GRIFFIN lies :
Zeumthi OP Kenny GRIFFIN lies : Insane. Thank you sir
71792784 : Why do you believe the numbers they give out? It’s all fake like the price lol.
Zeumthi OP 71792784 : Anything is fake if you want it to be
John 3 16 : I would not be surprised. It was 287% in the morning. Inflow beat outflow and the price went down. They must have borrowed lots of shares to bring it down. I held my shares and added more when I saw all this manipulation.
Kenny GRIFFIN lies :
Zeumthi OP Kenny GRIFFIN lies : Insane. Thank you sir