巴菲不得 : Double chiken rice
ZY9999 OP 巴菲不得 : Hahaha one cabbage
orangeberry : Seems each time 198 or 199, it goes down
ZY9999 OP orangeberry : Don't be greedy and just be profitable
秦江阳 : Haha, wouldn't you just buy one stock?
ZY9999 OP 秦江阳 : Yes hahaha don't do this
秦江阳 orangeberry : Uh-huh, there is strong resistance to the top 200
秦江阳 ZY9999 OP : Have you just started trading stocks?
ZY9999 OP 秦江阳 : Right, Xiaobai
秦江阳 ZY9999 OP : Then it's right to start with a small amount of money
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巴菲不得 : Double chiken rice
ZY9999 OP 巴菲不得 : Hahaha one cabbage
orangeberry : Seems each time 198 or 199, it goes down
ZY9999 OP orangeberry : Don't be greedy and just be profitable
秦江阳 : Haha, wouldn't you just buy one stock?
ZY9999 OP 秦江阳 : Yes hahaha don't do this
秦江阳 orangeberry : Uh-huh, there is strong resistance to the top 200
秦江阳 ZY9999 OP : Have you just started trading stocks?
ZY9999 OP 秦江阳 : Right, Xiaobai
秦江阳 ZY9999 OP : Then it's right to start with a small amount of money
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