The daily operating cost is as high as $1.3 million. According to statistics from UBS, the number of monthly active users of Chat-GPT is expected to reach 100 million in January, and about 13 million people use it every day. Therefore, based on the calculation of 13 million people, each person queries 10 times a day, then there are 130 million queries per day, and the cost of each query is 0.01 US dollars, and the final daily cost is as high as 1.3 million US dollars.
74376197 : A couple of clarifications. When I left Google Search 5 years ago, they considered Bing to be 3 years behind Google search. And Google itself says that Bing has 10.5% of the search market, so their market share is not "very small" and I think it's growing. In the old days (pre-Ruth Porat, or 'PR'), Google would happily take profits from search and plow them into free services (such as maps and google docs) as a "thankyou" and to "enhance user trust". I saw that discussed all the time while at Google, 2013-2018. AR (after Ruth), Google is much more miserly and tries never to use profits from one activity to subsidize other activities, and it has slowed down Google and put a much meaner face on Google since AR.