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MooHumor: Gotta go my own way

MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
"I just don't belong here, I hope you understand
We might find a place in this world someday
But at least for now, I gotta go my own way” —— Gotta Go My Own Way

After a brief spike at the start of this week, the meme stock seems to be back to its old calm.
On the face of this, the investors do not seem to receive too much disturbance. They embody their attitude with their actions: be strong, be determined, and go their own way.
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
@Felix py We Don't Do That Here.
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
@Ankur Tiwari$游戏驿站(GME.US)$held fairly strong while the rest of the memes got smoked yesterday. Let’s see if we can go green today.25k shares traded so far in pre market.
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
@noopz Just another day riding on the rocket ship my friends! LFG!!!$AMC院线(AMC.US)$$AMC Preferred Equity Unit(APE.US)
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
MooHumor: Gotta go my own way
This week, we'd like to invite you to comment: Do you have strong convictions in the stock market?
We will select 20 TOP COMMENTS by next Monday.
Winners will get 88 points by next week, with which you can exchange gifts at the Rewards Club.
*Comments within this week will be counted.
You may post:
A related meme in gif or jpg format
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That's all for this week. Peace!
Disclaimer: Moomoo Technologies Inc. is providing this content for information and educational use only. Read more
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  • Syuee : Yes. The stock market is an important part of the economy.

    It offers investors the opportunity to participate in the ownership and growth of companies.

    I am always in the market. I do not time the market.

    The very reason why I enjoy being in the stock market is the way, it functions.

    It is a collective of different opinions that are always at odds with one another.

    There’s a buyer for every seller, as they say.

    However, the integral part of the stock market is understanding the psychology of every trader.

    The stock market is never boring.

    The market will always and forever be interesting. [undefined]


  • Bad D3cisionz2 : I believe and will hang on. it's just that simple.

  • 双瞳剪水的斯托达德 :

  • 阿姚朋友 :

  • KT88 Syuee :

  • Southern Eagle Syuee : Stock market to me [undefined][undefined][undefined][undefined][undefined]

  • Double Rainbow Syuee : [undefined][undefined][undefined][undefined][undefined] Conviction be like...........

  • steady Pom pipi : No, I don't have faith; I just go with the flow. Today I'm bullish; tomorrow I'll probably change my mind to be bearish.[undefined][undefined][undefined]

  • HuatLady Syuee : Many economists are watching the markets movements and the corporates' earning estimates in this Q1 of 2023. Will it produce a poignant tale that melts all investors' hearts or a gloomy outlook that breaks our hearts? Well, nobody can accurately forecast the future and what the markets will bring.
    In order to make money work for me,
    my top priority this year is to embark on my investment journey very prudently to achieve my goal. One important lesson that I have learnt from 2022's experience is to better curb my emotions so as not to fall victim to fears and greed.

  • HuatEver Syuee : A very optimistic perspective of the market and how it functions. Oh yes, I believe that the stock market is indeed challenging! Besides offering all the investors, the opportunity to flex their analytical abilities, it also empowers them in their critical thinking 🤔, in order to maximise their gains and to minimise their losses.

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