天上人间 : Gross ticket
BarfBag OP 天上人间 : Then don’t buy lol
天上人间 BarfBag OP : I really haven't run into gross tickets yet. If there's no technical operability, TSLAs fluctuate a lot, it's better to operate
BarfBag OP 天上人间 : Ok then
萧条 : Build the bottom platform, you won't be able to break it to.64! Wait for news and prepare to attack
天上人间 : Gross ticket
BarfBag OP 天上人间 : Then don’t buy lol
天上人间 BarfBag OP : I really haven't run into gross tickets yet. If there's no technical operability, TSLAs fluctuate a lot, it's better to operate
BarfBag OP 天上人间 : Ok then
萧条 : Build the bottom platform, you won't be able to break it to.64! Wait for news and prepare to attack