moomoo13妹 : The average price of 6.15 is regrettable that it wasn't sold yesterday, and now it's shaking
texasbuffett OP moomoo13妹 : I'm a little lower than your average price, which is also very painful
moomoo13妹 texasbuffett OP : The point is, there was no sell-selling yesterday
texasbuffett OP moomoo13妹 : The same. You won't be able to climb up for a while. If you go up again, be careful to reduce your position
moomoo13妹 : The average price of 6.15 is regrettable that it wasn't sold yesterday, and now it's shaking
texasbuffett OP moomoo13妹 : I'm a little lower than your average price, which is also very painful
moomoo13妹 texasbuffett OP : The point is, there was no sell-selling yesterday
texasbuffett OP moomoo13妹 : The same. You won't be able to climb up for a while. If you go up again, be careful to reduce your position