RIPPER : I’m so soar …help !
AmyNic OP RIPPER : Did you trip on a shroom and fall off your board?
Dons Son : LoL
Dons Son : Hope you all are having a great day, I am Thanks Amy
AmyNic OP Dons Son : Thank you. Let's get this MONEY!!!
RIPPER AmyNic OP : I took a decently bad fall for first time in long time right on my tailbone…..bruised tailboneOuuucccchhhhhWtf
AmyNic OP RIPPER : oh crap! I hope you feel better.
RIPPER AmyNic OP : And I skated all day till 9I smoked a few and still OUT OF IT damn new stuff toooooo strong
RIPPER AmyNic OP : Not “bad bad”….but for myself as I’m a pretty cautious skater
RIPPER AmyNic OP : Thank you though…..slept in laying on an ice pack. Didn’t get further than the front door to couch
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RIPPER : I’m so soar …help !
AmyNic OP RIPPER : Did you trip on a shroom and fall off your board?
Dons Son : LoL
Dons Son : Hope you all are having a great day, I am Thanks Amy
AmyNic OP Dons Son : Thank you. Let's get this MONEY!!!
RIPPER AmyNic OP : I took a decently bad fall for first time in long time right on my tailbone…..bruised tailbone
AmyNic OP RIPPER : oh crap! I hope you feel better.
RIPPER AmyNic OP : And I skated all day till 9
I smoked a few and still OUT OF IT damn new stuff toooooo strong
RIPPER AmyNic OP : Not “bad bad”….but for myself as I’m a pretty cautious skater
RIPPER AmyNic OP : Thank you though…..slept in laying on an ice pack. Didn’t get further than the front door to couch
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