In the nicest way possible if you are truly this worried, you are severely over leveraged and need to reduce not only ur current position size but what you trade with. It is so hard to be successful trading if you are emotionally tied with the numbers on the screen. I wish the best for you
Seraphicall : Bro.. you have to be patient when playing the stock market. I think I’d mention these to you couple of times.
DRXL : $15 soon
Louisyiru OP DRXL : Then i declare bankruptcy
Defq : In the nicest way possible if you are truly this worried, you are severely over leveraged and need to reduce not only ur current position size but what you trade with. It is so hard to be successful trading if you are emotionally tied with the numbers on the screen. I wish the best for you
短线投机客 : Just hollow it with your backhand, don't bear to cut meat
Louisyiru OP 短线投机客 : Cfm bo? I just switch from sqqq to tqqq few days ago