Hellohellohellohello : It will crash
Arash OP Hellohellohellohello : I have a feeling it will. I’m going to not greedy and sit on my +183%
RIPPER : Idk I think by open it will be completely consolidated……. To be honest from the time it started rising to market open is the perfect equation for a strong intraday runner.
Arash OP : I just got in $Troika Media (TRKA.US)$
RIPPER Hellohellohellohello :
Labubulabubu : I think it will already hit 300% sure will pull back
Labubulabubu : Unless no paper hand lol
Hellohellohellohello : It will crash
Arash OP Hellohellohellohello : I have a feeling it will. I’m going to not greedy and sit on my +183%
RIPPER : Idk I think by open it will be completely consolidated……. To be honest from the time it started rising to market open is the perfect equation for a strong intraday runner.
Arash OP : I just got in $Troika Media (TRKA.US)$
RIPPER Hellohellohellohello :
Labubulabubu : I think it will already hit 300% sure will pull back
Labubulabubu : Unless no paper hand lol