I asked the same thing yesterday but from the looks of it, shares is a better choice(i only have 900) because it could fluctuate.. Cash is good if you have large units want want to invest in some other shares. Just my POV
Stock Watch
if you intended to keep for long term, u can choose scrip, then u cam slowly accumulate either buying from odd lots market or keep all Q ( scrip) distribution
心急吃不了热豆腐 : I asked the same thing yesterday but from the looks of it, shares is a better choice(i only have 900) because it could fluctuate.. Cash is good if you have large units want want to invest in some other shares. Just my POV
101688376 : not sure if I'm right..
dividend: 0.0245x900=22.05 (if you choose cash)
scrip dividend share: 22.05/0.6788=32 or 33 shares if you choose scrip.
Stock Watch : if you intended to keep for long term, u can choose scrip, then u cam slowly accumulate either buying from odd lots market or keep all Q ( scrip) distribution
102234138 OP : How do we reply to lend lease for scrip ? Through same email or have to be through moo moo
心急吃不了热豆腐 101688376 : Yup..i don't buy odd lot except for ETFs.. On second thought, cash dividends is more beneficial for me
心急吃不了热豆腐 102234138 OP : Reply to the email if you choose scrip.. Cam don't reply if umyou want cash
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