xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : it's gonna take 23 years to payoff the debt and they can't do it without selling more amc shares
DumpTheMoneyAMC : Stupid apes sold by AA
MonkeyDragon : Can’t believe people still thinking AA is a good guy he is on the other team !! Wake up!!
The Brown Knight OP MonkeyDragon : Umm.. that’s what we’re all saying.
xXSavage_Red_PandaXx : it's gonna take 23 years to payoff the debt and they can't do it without selling more amc shares
DumpTheMoneyAMC : Stupid apes sold by AA
MonkeyDragon : Can’t believe people still thinking AA is a good guy he is on the other team !! Wake up!!
The Brown Knight OP MonkeyDragon : Umm.. that’s what we’re all saying.