"Today, we want to talk about the future, not this quarter or next quarter. We want to go further out into the future"...
"What does it take to convertEARTHto sustainable energy generation and use, and second ... Tesla's contribution to that global need."
That's a fairly modest opening statement from aCARcompany
It is this, and not the vehicles I will focus on because I do not invest in CAR companies. Personally, I don't care about deliveries or models, it's the Tesla infrastructure I want to own.
- Master Plan: Part 3 -
"The thing we want to convey more importantly than anything here... that there is aCLEARpath to a sustainable energy Earth." Elon Musk
Elon goes on to explain that it doesn't require destroying the planet or using up our natural resources, and it won't require setting us back in a modern convenience way (we wouldn't have to reduce energy usage by any substantial means, just how we consume it). In fact, he used the phrase "With abundance" stating it could support and sustain a much larger population than the 8 billion current population.
"Our current energy system is dirty and wasteful..." This is true! it is also 10 times better today than even 10 years ago.
Their estimated cost of this future is 10 trillion dollars of capital investment (that should be nothing for our spending happy government 🤣). To simplify, that's roughly 1% of the global economy over a ten year period. The land use for this aggressive conversion is estimated at less than .2% of the global land area, not including the 70% of water area. This land area could produce roughly 1 gigawatts per square kilometer (that's almost enough energy to send someone into the future! ⏰️) a gigawatt is one billion watts.
The plan has 5 steps to eliminate fossil fuels ⛽️
Convert the existing grid to Renewable
This will have an estimated 35% reduction in fossil Fuels.
This is in progress as 60% of all energy added to the grid in 2022 was electric/renewable.
Switch to all Electric Vehicles
This phase has a 21% reduction in fossil fuels.
This is where Tesla shines! EVs hit a 10% total automotive market share, with Tesla being the lions share of that.
What does the new "fleet" look like?
HEAT PUMPS!?!?.... heat pumps? YES, Heat Pumps!
iam personally excited by this.
A 22% reduction in fossil fuels.
"Heat pumps are basically refrigerators in reverse"
Because they use electricity to move hot or cold air from one place to another, rather than to generate it, heat pumps can deliver up to 10-15 times as much energy as they use. In fact, premium heat pumps can heat up a room at 600% efficiency, while gas heaters are around the 50% to 95% mark.
High temp heat delivery and Hydrogen
A 17% reduction in fossil fuels.
This is a conversion in manufacturing. Electric Arc Furnaces are already in use in manufacturing, this plan will create a storage system large enough to store the peak renewable energy to be used during the manufacturing process. This, combined with clean green hydrogen, will reduce the need for fossil fuels in manufacturing.
Sustainably fuel Planes & Boats (and Rockets😉)
a final 5% reduction in fossil fuels.
This is a non lithium IRON battery situation - this will require redesign of the planes and ships to take full advantage of energy savings and battery installation.
Now, a little on the lithium iron batteries - Iron is plentiful. In fact, by mass, it is the most common element. It will replace Nickel and other mined minerals reducing the need to mine.
Tommy TwoToes Trades
Ya. I completely agree. They’ve been laying out their blueprint for years. If you listened to that, and don’t understand that Elon is building the infrastructure to power the earth well into the future & you should prob stop being so narrow minded. I don’t know how people can invest in Tesla & not understand that he’s providing gigafactory’s all over the world, he’s building the infrastructure to power and conserve power thru battery storage & conservation, retail electric provider, one of the top AI companies, EV charging stations, EVs, Run4Cover MurderDrones by E-LON, Cybertrucks, Semis, and more efficient mining & sustainability efforts, & automated vehicles etc. If you aren’t seeing the big picture here…. He’s lapping “the competition” as he should, he has rockets. Buy Tesla everyday and enjoy the cheat code that is being able to make money off of this dudes mind and work ethic.
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71342678 : come as one
71342678 : here I am Gost....
Tommy TwoToes Trades : Ya. I completely agree. They’ve been laying out their blueprint for years. If you listened to that, and don’t understand that Elon is building the infrastructure to power the earth well into the future & you should prob stop being so narrow minded. I don’t know how people can invest in Tesla & not understand that he’s providing gigafactory’s all over the world, he’s building the infrastructure to power and conserve power thru battery storage & conservation, retail electric provider, one of the top AI companies, EV charging stations, EVs, Run4Cover MurderDrones by E-LON, Cybertrucks, Semis, and more efficient mining & sustainability efforts, & automated vehicles etc. If you aren’t seeing the big picture here…. He’s lapping “the competition” as he should, he has rockets. Buy Tesla everyday and enjoy the cheat code that is being able to make money off of this dudes mind and work ethic.
Sunny_9066 : Very straightforward advertisement