I transferred one of my brokers over to another broker, too, and bc the purchase price doesn't travel with it, it looks like it's all gains. Then, when you buy that same stock, it'll subtract that huge "not gain" from the new purchase price. Hence, always showing as a gain. Nice try, though. If you're holding the Mullen bag, you're just like the rest of us. At a loss.
allen kidd
Questionable Invts
I'm not trying to get anyone to do anything, just showing my progress. I'm long for muln, 1000 shares at less than .015 average cost.
The Brown Knight : Stay away from Xela!!!
The Brown Knight : You LIE so BAD!! How is your avg cost on MULN .0143??? It’s all time low is .18.
allen kidd OP The Brown Knight : I've been averaging up with muln. I was over -1.00
Rockaphobic : I transferred one of my brokers over to another broker, too, and bc the purchase price doesn't travel with it, it looks like it's all gains. Then, when you buy that same stock, it'll subtract that huge "not gain" from the new purchase price. Hence, always showing as a gain. Nice try, though. If you're holding the Mullen bag, you're just like the rest of us. At a loss.
Rockaphobic : Guess I'm doing great too, eh?
Questionable Invts : Stop trying get people swing trade muln, for your group only come in & run up price.
BuddyAPE : xela sucks so bad
allen kidd OP Questionable Invts : I'm not trying to get anyone to do anything, just showing my progress. I'm long for muln, 1000 shares at less than .015 average cost.
allen kidd OP BuddyAPE : That's what everyone was saying about muln and that's my most profitable stock. The sticks that suck do well for me.
allen kidd OP : +7% day for these " crappy stocks "
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