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Immature idiots ! JUST VOTE YES and let's move on.

$AMC Entertainment(AMC.US)$ When me and my brother were 4 and 5 years old we would get a five dollar bill from our grandaddy when he came to visit us. One time he only had one five dollar bill and five singles. He gave me the five singles and my 4 year old brother the single bill. My 4 YEAR OLD brother turned into the girl from the exorcist when he thought " I HAD MORE MONEY THAN HIM" . I can't believe that people in their 30s + still think this way. If you vote YES our shares will keep the same value. The DEMAND will stay the same but with a smaller SUPPLY. Which actually makes them MORE VALUABLE. It will FORCE the NEW shares to have to be REPURCHASED if they are to be shorted again. Meaning ! That the shorts will have to pay off AMC's debt in order to short it again( HOW DUMB IS THAT ?). And they can't just short their way out of this. If they could they would have done so already ! Either way they are going to keep shorting ! But with a YES vote they aren't just buying time until AMC goes bankrupt. Their ONLY way out is for us to sell ( NO OTHER WAY). Also ! Once a squeeze starts ! ITS UP TO US WHEN WE SELL ! SO IF WE HAVE TO WAIT TILL THE PRICE hits in the 10s of thousands to sell and become MILLIONAIRES ! WHO GIVES A FUCK ? I would rather it that way ! THAN NO SQUEEZE AT ALL. GROW THE FUCK UP AND VOTE YES AND LETS MOVE ON IN LIFE.
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  • Questionable Invts : Yeah, not interested in buying APE or more shares of AMC. Am good with AMC staying same, APE being separate from AMC. Courts with rule AMC can't convert APE into AMC shares  / illegal business tactics were deployed.  🙃👉🤑👈

  • Questionable Invts : Once no vote on delutaion is passed, will trigger price run back $36-$40 staying no lower $34.56. That's how AMC squeeze play continues. APE holders will be nothing more imaginary money holders from wasting actual money buy APE. Now courts could kill amc squeeze by ruling against amc business tactics concerning APE share deployment into stock market & giving those share holders voting rights. Forcing APE holders sue amc & forcing AMC dilute shares pay those share holders as penalty of fraud.🙃👉🤑👈

  • Jayisme : Vote no... Don't let the brokers or Hedges off the hook money is drying up. The end is near for them.

  • KING of TRADE OP Jayisme : How are the hedges "off the hook" when they STILL HAVEN'T COVERED ? The supply will be shorted but the DEMAND will stay the same once the squeeze starts. If you had 10 classic cars left in existence and then someone sets 9 on fire ! What happens to the value of the 10 car ?

  • Jayisme KING of TRADE OP : There won't be a squeeze if this vote is yes. It will dilute with ape. 90% of your shares will be gone and the free float will be eaten up by institutions and shorted back down with in a week. Let Aa dump the 4 billion more ape. Then just rs ape.. Then let's talk about combining it with amc common again. If he drops them all for just over 1.25 he will have all the debt paid for.

  • The Brown Knight : Sounds like you are financially hurting. Your avg 20$+

  • The Brown Knight Jayisme : I agree 100% but more so, don’t let AA off the hook for putting amc in this position.

  • The Brown Knight : KING of TRADE IS #1 SHILL and has no clue what he is doing or talking about.

  • Expendabiggles : LOOK AT THE RECORDS!  AA put AMC in this financial situation of debt years before covid.  He EXPECTED the company to go bankrupt and either let or helped his wallstreet buddies get us here.  They were NEVER suppose to pay off what they borrowed and over sold.  And they got a blessing to blame it all on covid.  We stepped in and ruined it all and now AA is trapped. Legally obligated to HELP US be he doesn’t.  Everything he does that suppose to help AMC takes FOREVER!  He like hedges are trying to drag and drag to tire us out.  My answer is no!  AA will not get a reverse split, will not get dilution and his little APE “work around” to get around his dilution problem will not get converted!  The answer is NO!   AA will pay off the eebt he took out and not trim an dime off AMC’s Price again or will face the wrath of god level lawsuits!  Tired of fuk’n around!  AA DO YOUR MF JOB NOW! AND STOP TRYING TO DILUTE AND STOP TRYING TO HELP YOUR WALL-STREET BUDDIES.  THEY LOST!   Expect more lawsuits!  Just watch…

  • Tommy TwoToes Trades : No it is. R/s just gives brokers chance to freeze us out while they short stock down low af & make us all bag holders.  
