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Uhhh...I literally put bascially everything in this because....

$Bed Bath & Beyond Inc(BBBY.US)$ Uhhh...I literally put bascially everything in this because...well...because I don't know what I'm doing and the ferver around it was quite convincing. I figure at this point I can't bail. But should I if it hits under 1$? Can it sink lower than 1$?? I bought in at $1.45 I'm an amateur and new and don't know what to expect. Will this just drop and drop and drop to eventual 2 cents or something insane?
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  • TheAngstyMama : It will go back up again. 1.45 is not too bad. I bought it when Ryan cohen was dumping his shares at all time high. I just added more and finally my cost is under $4. 😝

  • White Squire : not financial advice, just helpful tip: when playing with stocks that are beat down, invest with a comfortable stop loss OR invest what you okay with losing

  • 102374353 : Breathe. Many of us are in this together. And stocks usually go down in the first hour.

  • FrogTalker OP White Squire : I appreciate the [not] advice. I'm a small fry though, only working with about 40$ so it's not the end of the world If i lose it all.  Actually I've been nothing but up until the last couple weeks. I cashed all my profits and started again with my initial deposit. Thankfully if I lose it all, I'll actually be breaking even. But it would just be a huge bummer and I'm not in a position to "play the stocks" again lol.  Between damn Avaya's midnight delist clobbering on me, the entire biopharm/science/healthcare industry going nowhere, + energy somehow worthless (how???), + my moron Colorado friends' suggestion to buy cannabis stocks...Yea...I cut all my small losses and went all in on BBBY assuming it couldn't go much lower lol and hopef for that gamma ramp thingy.

    Wouldn't be surprised if Biden outlawed bathing and sleeping tomorrow. How is this company pulling money out of thin air yet its stocks are tanking. I got infant eyes on thsi whole trading thing but i swear it looks like this is a huge depression to me. 75% of stocks are worth 25-50% of what they were worth two years ago. Everythings WAYYYY down. I feel like we're in a depression and no one wants to admit it for fear of causing mass panic pulling out of the market. Going "up", even "skyrocketing" means its still worth a fraction of what it was worth 1-2 years ago across most industries and stocks.

    P.S. thanks to everyone who answered me and gave me some faith lol

  • 70667419 : The company does not have a good business model and has been unprofitable. There is a reason that the stock is going down and it’s not all from “evil short sellers”. I don’t know any traders that touch this stock unless they are gambling.

  • FANCY PANTS 70667419 : Then please explain the massive short interest it has accumulated, if not sure to short sellers?

  • 70667419 FANCY PANTS : Just because something is shorted does not mean it is undervalued. It only means that there is a chance (like gambling) that a technical short squeeze will happen and the price could go up temporarily. There is no buy-and-hold opportunity here.

  • FANCY PANTS 70667419 : Who ever said this was more than a short squeeze play?

  • 71513705 70667419 : Who you kidding? 127% Short Interest!!!  Everyone is betting on a Squeeze lol

  • 70667419 FANCY PANTS : The OP did. If you don’t “know when to bail” and are marking yourself as an “amateur” the you shouldn’t be doing short squeezes with “everything you have”
