There may be a greater risk behind this series of bank defaults, so if investors panic, this stock will soar. If another bank explodes, the market will definitely collapse
I don't look at the market. This stock alone, when it falls, no matter how the general market goes, it doesn't have a bottom line, and it keeps falling. If you don't get cold, if you suddenly think it has something to do with the market, it will double
KingNY-Life : Soon it will be $10
70675792 : I'm also thinking about waiting ten bucks
KingNY-Life 70675792 : There may be a greater risk behind this series of bank defaults, so if investors panic, this stock will soar. If another bank explodes, the market will definitely collapse
Poarith D OP KingNY-Life : The Bank of Silicon Valley has been suspended today$SVB Financial (SIVB.US)$
KingNY-Life Poarith D OP : Yes, I noticed it yesterday, and now it doesn't have enough cash to pay saver deposits, so it's over
70675792 KingNY-Life : I don't look at the market. This stock alone, when it falls, no matter how the general market goes, it doesn't have a bottom line, and it keeps falling. If you don't get cold, if you suddenly think it has something to do with the market, it will double
不温浊酒 KingNY-Life : WAL also collapsed today
KingNY-Life 不温浊酒 : Oh my gosh, I just saw it. Looks like something went wrong
Tony讲股 不温浊酒 : Did you get this ticket too?
不温浊酒 Tony讲股 : No, I just watched it at the time
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