jiaxin_sg : Due to US banking...
功名利禄 过眼云烟 : SVB's collapse causes panic
Smackerboy : Alamak, but US reserve came to support the bank already leh... all depositors in US are secured.
Master Bate : so will fall today and the forseeable future?
jiaxin_sg : The bigger panic should come from US stocks in the evening
米股任我行 : US index futures have all rebounded sharply; no one in the US is panicking….
jiaxin_sg : Due to US banking...
功名利禄 过眼云烟 : SVB's collapse causes panic
Smackerboy : Alamak, but US reserve came to support the bank already leh... all depositors in US are secured.
Master Bate : so will fall today and the forseeable future?
jiaxin_sg : The bigger panic should come from US stocks in the evening
米股任我行 : US index futures have all rebounded sharply; no one in the US is panicking….