Oh, that's easy, GREED. Greed is the most difficult emotion to control - when it's good you think it will always be good, and when it's bad, you will desperately try to make it good again. Greed is good, as it leads to action, but it must be controlled to remain profitable because nothing is good for long. I struggle with greed every day, self assurance, and greed, a bad combination. I post reminders in my trading room to maintain self awareness, so I don't get too greedy.
Mooers Lab OP : Hey, mooers. Let's give a big round of applause for @iamiam. Feel free to interact with him if you have anything to say! There is a chance for you to win the points reward.
Just in case you didn't know, you can also be the one to tell the story! Comment to let me know if you're interested.
Cat army : Congrats @iamiamhe is a gem of a person too! Super right in prediction of market direction
71229336Bedbugguy : What time is it?
doctorpot1 : amazing story I'm interested in your journey, would it be ok to ask why you chose engineering instead investing career path after high school?
it seems like if you were to go to an investment job, you would be really rich now
ZnWC : Inspiring stories. I have just started to learn investing and would like to ask you the following questions:
1. As a retired investor, what is your investment goal and purpose?
2. What advice you have for people who want to achieve FIRE (financial independence and retire early)?
3. Your sold long term holding and started comodity trading. What are your portfolio and risk level?
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn from your experience
Xixi29 : Thanks for sharing and is a real pleasure reading and learning from you.
For low risk investors, what recommendations do you have besides putting into money market fund during this volatile market condition?
GodSpeed289 : (1) Under the current volatile investing landscape, should we take a conservative approach?
(2) Are you a believer in "Cash is KING" philosophy?
icezzz : Thanks iam for your sharing, is inspiring for beginner like me. I always thought you are economists . What’s your favourite options strategy ?
MooMamaLlama : wow what a journey!!!
you've made some wise choices, and had some great achievements that's for sure!
I'm still perhaps trying to figure out what 'type' of investor I am, so may I ask
Might you intend to partially go back to long term investing given we've now seen some very good opportunities?
Or do you now only prefer trading momentums and commodities? Maybe because the markets were/are better? or just because you enjoy it?
Seems like you've had some great teachers/mentors, thank you so much for passing on the knowledge and being one for so many of us here
KingNY-Life :
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