散户123 : Ok
Mr Lim85 : What time is Asia time?
Fantasma : Excuse my ignorance but What’s cpi mean ?
Andre88888888 OP Mr Lim85 : 830pm
Andre88888888 OP Fantasma : No worries, Consumer price index. It measures the average change of prices over time. Feds use it as a indicator to address the rate hikes that is bound to happen.
散户123 : Ok
Mr Lim85 : What time is Asia time?
Fantasma : Excuse my ignorance but What’s cpi mean ?
Andre88888888 OP Mr Lim85 : 830pm
Andre88888888 OP Fantasma : No worries, Consumer price index. It measures the average change of prices over time. Feds use it as a indicator to address the rate hikes that is bound to happen.