天津小丸子 : bro, is it going to delist... I want follow you but dare not
belugawhale : when does it delist ?
天津小丸子 belugawhale : 14th news at Momo
Alvinnnnnnngenius OP 天津小丸子 : Not 31 March ?
belugawhale Alvinnnnnnngenius OP : it is 31st march, i think he meant the 14th piece of news in the news tab
天津小丸子 : bro, is it going to delist... I want follow you but dare not
belugawhale : when does it delist ?
天津小丸子 belugawhale : 14th news at Momo
Alvinnnnnnngenius OP 天津小丸子 : Not 31 March ?
belugawhale Alvinnnnnnngenius OP : it is 31st march, i think he meant the 14th piece of news in the news tab