bangkokinsomnia : Take a chill pill, close your app and stop watching. Long term outlook is still negative. My average is at 40.
鱼儿游丫游 : How much is your price??
101750086 bangkokinsomnia : Hahaha totally agree with you, close the apps can go to sleep lol if can reach $35 probably can get in some.
razo2 : quad witching week bro. they sure want to pump the market to max Paine.
Dyls : Chill should go back to 38 by monday
Kelvin Wong68 : I know it's hard. but remind yourselves about 2020 when feds print money. possible a same scenario. short term uptrend for now
DariusL : Really is BBQ liao
102085387 : may I ask if all of you don’t hold other shares and only SQQQ?
Reeve190 Dyls : 28
101750086 102085387 : For me yes la I all in sqqq liao GG
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bangkokinsomnia : Take a chill pill, close your app and stop watching. Long term outlook is still negative. My average is at 40.
鱼儿游丫游 : How much is your price??
101750086 bangkokinsomnia : Hahaha totally agree with you, close the apps can go to sleep lol if can reach $35 probably can get in some.

razo2 : quad witching week bro. they sure want to pump the market to max Paine.
Dyls : Chill should go back to 38 by monday
Kelvin Wong68 : I know it's hard. but remind yourselves about 2020 when feds print money. possible a same scenario. short term uptrend for now
DariusL : Really is BBQ liao
102085387 : may I ask if all of you don’t hold other shares and only SQQQ?
Reeve190 Dyls : 28
101750086 102085387 : For me yes la
I all in sqqq liao GG
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