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Berkshire Hathaway cut banks position in Q4: Right again?
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Berkshire Hathaway cut banks position in Q4, right again?

Wow +, I guess Warren Buffett is not a legend for nothing ~
He'd already reduced banks position just before the crash & while others are still in shocked like this from the crash ~
He'd also cut his position in chip maker $Taiwan Semiconductor(TSM.US)$ & I'd mentioned before in the past that I think he'd made the correct move . Welp, let see if this time he will be correct again ~
In fact, I'm skeptical & confused about why the h3ll he would go & increased such a large position in chip makers company that time ...
How do u view the U.S banking sector currently?
I view it as bearish for the short-term & having bad risk management...(Failing banks 🏦 are asking for it )
They already knew the FED is going to continue increasing interest rate but they still stick to their origin same old plans ... The FED had given multiples warning already . They've no one to blame but themselves...+ In fact, I think that maybe the FED should give them some hard love ❤️ = no bail out +.
I'd commented before about a "super bad situation" in someone else post before this crisis happened. Don't want to mentioned it again since that time I'm not near 100% certain about it = only maybe 50/50 certained, not sure if Warren Buffett has the same thinking as me when he cut his position of banks in Q4 . He acted so fast +. However, now the "super bad situation" may be able to be avoided due the FED's action...
Dude , the FED may has just saved some of those failing banks' 🏦 @ss + customers' deposits , at the cost of me making a high profit loss 📉 (maybe ) + the de-appreciation of USD currency 📉 ...
This is likely what the FED saying to me :
Berkshire Hathaway cut banks position in Q4, right again?
Does the value investing mean locking up & not changing positions?
Of course..., NO !
If the economy situation has changed, u also need to adjust ur plans.
Are u holding onto a position that are current overvalued due to the change in the economy situation ?
Does ur buffer discounted rate of valuation still remains intact for the worth of time ⏲️ required to invest in ?
U might be better off in some other stocks position if u re-adjust ur portfolio +.
Being a valued investor, does NOT mean to be stupid/an idiot (excused me ) .
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  • Milk The Cow OP : [undefined], when banks are in troubles, crypto bulls come out to value themselves by comparing that it's a safer park haven for ur asset than banks & tried to bearish talk on banks+further devalue usd...[undefined]
    (The magic 🎩 show has began)

    Guess this is what they all call "when u are sick, I'll take ur life" [undefined]...

  • Milk The Cow OP : Even idiots can become rich from crypto (inflation likely to come back again [undefined]) because of those idiots banks without risk management & the FED has to save those idiots by making themself an idiot, which further make me a super idiot too because I DYODD & did my risk management...[undefined] wait, maybe I'm one from the start [undefined]+[undefined]~

    & hence apes is likely to win again...

  • Milk The Cow OP Milk The Cow OP : They even went to the extent of encouraging ppl to ape together by withdrawing all their [undefined] from banks together to force triggered the FED [undefined] 🖨️ which further value crypto currency [undefined]...

    The rich are saved by the FED & become even richer in crypto...[undefined]+[undefined]

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    Because I thought that maybe I can beat the "god" [undefined] & I wanna to be rich fast (that's the only reason) by taking on a high risk with a possible profit loss...

  • Giovanni Ayala : 😏🤔✅

DYODD before investing 👌