Scorched earf : Now that’s what we’re going with? OK
FrankieSmilez OP Scorched earf : rumor has it it's either Bank of America or JP Morgan
Scorched earf : If so, they will drop this big time
FrankieSmilez OP Scorched earf : it depends on what the offer is and who will be taking over
Scorched earf : Stock action pretty much says it all to me. Not even have to speculate really.
holidayinn : What will happen to stock price if big boy buys out? Don’t usually stock goes up? And who ever buying stocks goes down?
I LUV NFT Art holidayinn : Yeah good question! =\
TheLoris FrankieSmilez OP : I would be surprised if BOA bought them out considering they had previously owned and subsequently sold the bank bank in 2010.
Scorched earf : Now that’s what we’re going with? OK
FrankieSmilez OP Scorched earf : rumor has it it's either Bank of America or JP Morgan
Scorched earf : If so, they will drop this big time
FrankieSmilez OP Scorched earf : it depends on what the offer is and who will be taking over
Scorched earf : Stock action pretty much says it all to me. Not even have to speculate really.
holidayinn : What will happen to stock price if big boy buys out? Don’t usually stock goes up? And who ever buying stocks goes down?
I LUV NFT Art holidayinn : Yeah good question! =\
TheLoris FrankieSmilez OP : I would be surprised if BOA bought them out considering they had previously owned and subsequently sold the bank bank in 2010.