I feel your pain. My account is probably a decimal to the left of yours but I fucked up yesterday when I was busy at work. Lost like 4,000$ in one day, recouped 1,200$ today though. Grabbed some Puts at 19 though so, hopefully can dump those before it recorrects
OPwaving pines
Brought the dip too early. Didn't expect it to seriously drop below $20 let alone reaching a new low of $11+. I am not afraid just that pretty sad that I can only recoupe lost and not earn money.
多买多亏少买少亏 : Looks like you've been hurt a lot
Investingtime : Good bro we coming for ya
waving pines : Your alright but dayum don’t buy every dip lol
waving pines : You have had a rollercoaster lol
Travelforfreedom : You are good. I respect you
我在坐以待毙 : hey bro i am with you . 32 dollars bagg holder here
Whiskey_Mick : I feel your pain. My account is probably a decimal to the left of yours
but I fucked up yesterday when I was busy at work. Lost like 4,000$ in one day, recouped 1,200$ today though. Grabbed some Puts at 19 though so, hopefully can dump those before it recorrects
Moonboi OP waving pines : Brought the dip too early. Didn't expect it to seriously drop below $20 let alone reaching a new low of $11+. I am not afraid just that pretty sad that I can only recoupe lost and not earn money.
Moonboi OP 我在坐以待毙 : Woah 32 is pretty high average. My average is like around 24.6
Moonboi OP 多买多亏少买少亏 : My lowest point seems to be a loss of $80000 to $90000