MGeiger2023 : It’s a fight. Buy more if you’d like
Wen-Wen : Expecting a downward trend till announcement
Make it Big : Any thoughts on how well the banks can withstand another rate hike? ECB raised rate by 50 bps even when CS is in trouble. I am worried that FED will also view inflation as a bigger problem than the bank crisis.
Wen-Wen Make it Big : Are you looking into entering the market or holding?
MGeiger2023 : It’s a fight. Buy more if you’d like
Wen-Wen : Expecting a downward trend till announcement
Make it Big : Any thoughts on how well the banks can withstand another rate hike? ECB raised rate by 50 bps even when CS is in trouble. I am worried that FED will also view inflation as a bigger problem than the bank crisis.
Wen-Wen Make it Big : Are you looking into entering the market or holding?