Why do you have to guess the rise or fall every day when buying a company with potential? The company's users and profits have been growing every quarter, and those who have opened accounts in China before had no influence. Moreover, the more transactions in the fourth quarter of last year, the more the company made more money. I only increased my holdings when everyone made the same mistake. If everyone knew the intrinsic value, it wouldn't have dropped from over 70 yuan; the countdown skyrocketed
Rolex sub : Reason?
KongWeePeh OP Rolex sub : It is red most of the time on Friday.
骨神 : Rubbish
SamGor92 : Why do you have to guess the rise or fall every day when buying a company with potential? The company's users and profits have been growing every quarter, and those who have opened accounts in China before had no influence. Moreover, the more transactions in the fourth quarter of last year, the more the company made more money. I only increased my holdings when everyone made the same mistake. If everyone knew the intrinsic value, it wouldn't have dropped from over 70 yuan; the countdown skyrocketed
chevalsauvagele : You mean your eyes very red?
understanding Antelo : today Friday and the short from 2.1M to 1.1M and still green.. well..