Recently, we have received a few reports about some scammers pretending to be moomoo official representatives. They have illegally developed fake apps and websites mimicking moomoo.
We want to take this opportunity to remind you:· Verify credibility:
If you encounter those who claim to be moomoo's official staff on third-party communication platforms (such as WhatsApp, Line, Discord, Telegram, etc.), please
verify their identity through moomoo's official website and customer service staff.· Be wary of unknown information:
Do not click on unverified or suspicious links on the Internet or download unknown investment software.
· Protect your personal information:
Do not disclose your account, password, and other personal information to any third party.
Please note that:Moomoo's official website and its download link:https://www.moomoo.com's official customer service:Official App: Me > Customer Service
Official Web: Support > Contact Us
If you receive a message that claims to be from moomoo and you are suspicious of its authenticity, please let our Customer Service team know, and we will be happy to provide clarification.
Thank you and stay safe.
Disclaimer: This presentation is for information and educational use only and is not a recommendation or endorsement of any particular investment or investment strategy. See this link for more information.
MonkeyGee : people have too much time on there hands
mr_cashcow : Wait so is the WA moomoo account official?
doctorpot1 mr_cashcow : whatapps if is moo moo official one should have a verified tick. but even if it is verified, don't give personal info or password etc. never transfer money too. in case their WhatsApp kena hack then the hacker use it.
Cui Nyonya Kueh : Chloe NEXT LEVEL Options got tik tok?
Cui Nyonya Kueh : All be careful, Chloe say she will not ask people to buy. This Chloe follow me on Tiktok thought she wanted to buy Kueh. She asked me where Am I am from
now got two Chloe on moomoo.
Giovanni Ayala :
Moomoo Lily OP Cui Nyonya Kueh : Hi mooer, regarding the information spread by third-party software outside the platform, lily would like to remind you to always remain cautious.
Money Master : starting with “” also scam sites?
Moomoo Lily OP Money Master : Hello Mooer, after verification, this is our official domain. If you have any questions in the future, please feel free to contact our online customer service in App > Me > Customer Service for verification. You can also go to App > Me > Fraud Prevention to report and confirm. Thank you.
102526482 : Is this a scam? After working hours and asking questions with no context ?
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