But these all pale in comparison to the one invention that actually benefited the people. Johannes Gutenberg made a mechanical movable type (The Printing Press). This led to the Renaissance, the protestant Reformation, and the proliferation of knowledge and learning...... I want to spend some time here, because the second greatest invention in the possible freedom of the people is here now, it exists, but like the printing press, those with the power and control don't want us to have unfiltered access to it. THE INTERNET!!! we now have an instant worldwide printing press. We have the ability to share knowledge and compassion and connect one to another on a personal and individual level. But that kind of harmony upsets the BEAST. And the BEAST seeks to censor and shelter you from any ability to unite us. We also have a new monetary alternative that is free from the banking BEAST. Bitcoin, free from the debt banking system, bitcoin allows global financial use without government or bank control. It allows a person in Africa to set a wage rate the same as someone in america, thus leveling the banking fee system and giving the power to the people rather than to the BEAST. But like the printing press, they will use it to their purpose. To obtain the freedom and promise these were created for, all government intrusion MUST be resisted. They will use it to enslave. Much like the printing press, which they used to flood the world with their words, their interpretations, and their ideas, which are only meant to control the individual and the proliferation of thought.
warrior-sailormoon : Wow. Amazing
but I will go tru ur content asap
U must have been putting lots of effort on all ur posts
Thanks for ur great sharing iamiam
I’m sick
philip_3385 : hi
财神爷心尖上的人 : A different post, so talented to learn...
philip_3385 财神爷心尖上的人 : hi
philip_3385 philip_3385 : hi
Sfkyyy : Thanks for your insights
iamiam OP : I hope writing a comment makes this go to the top of my feed?