Arthur Xing : Oil rise because of production cut, gas drop because of us dollar appreciation.
星空探索 OP Arthur Xing : But the dollar index is falling!!
Arthur Xing 星空探索 OP : expectation. or the expectation that the war will be over soon.there can be a lot of reasons and excuses,but the only truth is that the main institutions haven't bought enough or settled their short positions yet.
Arthur Xing : Oil rise because of production cut, gas drop because of us dollar appreciation.
星空探索 OP Arthur Xing : But the dollar index is falling!!
Arthur Xing 星空探索 OP : expectation. or the expectation that the war will be over soon.
there can be a lot of reasons and excuses,but the only truth is that the main institutions haven't bought enough or settled their short positions yet.