天真 : How many shares do you have?
hero龍 : I have 1w shares at 1.6
天真 hero龍 : Are you waiting for Ben back? Isn't that going to take a long time?
静语者 hero龍 : Now is the opportunity to find the bottom, add more warehouses to reduce costs
frank Gull_k19 hero龍 : U gonna set a stop loss in trading stock, or else you will keep losing money
天真 frank Gull_k19 : There's basically no way to fall now, or it just goes bankrupt.
天真 : How many shares do you have?
hero龍 : I have 1w shares at 1.6
天真 hero龍 : Are you waiting for Ben back? Isn't that going to take a long time?
静语者 hero龍 : Now is the opportunity to find the bottom, add more warehouses to reduce costs
frank Gull_k19 hero龍 : U gonna set a stop loss in trading stock, or else you will keep losing money
天真 frank Gull_k19 : There's basically no way to fall now, or it just goes bankrupt.