Each time, the money from the dividend is used to buy more shares at a lower price. If you hold it for a long time, the number of your shares will increase, and it is natural for you to make a profit. Because this shipping stock is an industrial stock, the current economic environment is not good; it is an overfalling stock. Once the economy improves, you will see it explode.
powerful Loris_6427 : good man can buy cheaper now hold till next dividend
Paulie_Adams OP : I just don't understand when the price dropped
TMW1986 : When dividends coming in?
Paulie_Adams OP TMW1986 : I don't know I see 1 to 2 days from people
yyou : Each time, the money from the dividend is used to buy more shares at a lower price. If you hold it for a long time, the number of your shares will increase, and it is natural for you to make a profit. Because this shipping stock is an industrial stock, the current economic environment is not good; it is an overfalling stock. Once the economy improves, you will see it explode.
Paulie_Adams OP : well this is now becoming a nice turn around! let's go!