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$Bed Bath & Beyond Inc (BBBY.US)$ people who buy now will be...

$Bed Bath & Beyond Inc (BBBY.US)$ people who buy now will be rich very soon. that is within this week.
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  • 天真 : Any good news?

  • TheWhiteCrow : Is that so?? I’m not being sarcastic, I’m new to trading (6 months) and I had been trading bbby for a month or so and consistently lost money. It hit stop loss trigger time and time again. And again no sarcasm intended. Can you possibly tell me what you see in the bbby stock that will make us rich? I’m not asking for advice just curious what you see in it.

  • BAG FINDER GENERAL : This terrible financial advice to give out without a reason. People are going to lose alot of money listening to stuff like this

  • Matthew D OP BAG FINDER GENERAL : I wasnt that confident before. But at 0.3, i can say, shorts should not get too greedy. 100% or more swing is very possible.

  • Matthew D OP TheWhiteCrow : Hi whitecrow, you seem like a decent guy. BBBY is a great buy at this price, in fact I could not believe my eyes, especially when morning they released a partnership worth 120m by itself.
    Not to mention, majority of the float is locked by die hard memesters. I would say at this price is a great price to start locking in some shares.

  • BAG FINDER GENERAL Matthew D OP : The problem is unless you are willing to risk a stupid sum of money then this play is not worth it.
    There's no merger and the company is probably going bankrupt. What is the point in taking another risk now? No one knows where the bottom is and shorts are making millions taking this down to 0. They aren't going suddenly stop shorting

  • Matthew D OP BAG FINDER GENERAL : The company literally just said they had a risk free consignment partnership of 120m with RC. I mean sure… you can keep shorting, it may drop. Who knows at this point. Im holding my dirt cheap shares at 0.3 here.

  • TheWhiteCrow Matthew D OP : Hi Matthew, thanks, ya I wanted to let you know I wasn’t busting your balls because I learned people here can be total assholes and know it alls, I haven’t been trading long so on top of my DD I like to get the opinions of people who have been doing this a while. And doing that it opens me up to those know it alls and sarcastic people that forget they started trading at one point. Or I’ll ask and get one sentence. So for you to take the time to explain your view is much appreciated. But over the past few months I was trading the shit out of bbby, at first I made a few bucks then once I lost I lost consistently. I hit my stop price more than a few times which goes against everything I’ve read so far. Never get attached to one stock and don’t keep resetting your stop. So last time I bought was a week ago and was a bit higher than it is now but like always it hit my stop so I finally said fuck it and pulled out all together. But I’ll keep my eyes open and if everything goes as planned I’ll jump back in. Just a little Leary about bbby. But I won’t trade by emotion but by the numbers. Again thank you Matthew I really appreciate it

  • TheWhiteCrow BAG FINDER GENERAL : Hey Bag man, lol yes I know I’m new to this world . New? Yes. Naïve? No. I know shills when I see em lol

  • Mafiosa818 TheWhiteCrow : high SI

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