102315683 : Once the account has arrived, go check the fund details
Danielwang002 : It will arrive in the afternoon
發財銘 : The dividend was 96 US dollars, and the dividend tax was 24 US dollars. Taikang people
102751508 102315683 : Yea received in the account
102751508 發財銘 : Ikr!
Simon33 : I received this dividend of mine, and the tax rate was 25%.
Simon33 : This tax was deducted by the US government; it has nothing to do with this Moomoo. We only deduct 25% as luck; many countries deduct 30%.
QMengColdJoke Simon33 : It was withheld by the Israeli government. Nothing to do with the US
102315683 : Once the account has arrived, go check the fund details
Danielwang002 : It will arrive in the afternoon
發財銘 : The dividend was 96 US dollars, and the dividend tax was 24 US dollars. Taikang people
102751508 102315683 : Yea received in the account
102751508 發財銘 : Ikr!
Simon33 : I received this dividend of mine, and the tax rate was 25%.
Simon33 : This tax was deducted by the US government; it has nothing to do with this Moomoo. We only deduct 25% as luck; many countries deduct 30%.
QMengColdJoke Simon33 : It was withheld by the Israeli government. Nothing to do with the US