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productivity : I experied losses in March… Really sad…maybe I should change my strategy…How about you?
tamira : I experienced both profits and losses. Some of the stocks like AMD did perform well as I expected despite dilution. Hopefully it regains this month.
102739162 : loss due to share offering by company
fsumicah : I earned approx 3.5% in March. Best adds to portfolio in March were Rite Aid and First Republic Bank. Holding both for the long game. Do your research. Buy what you know. Determine your acceptable risk up front. Stay disciplined.
73294190 : market so volatile
AcLongway : I did have Some trades that were undoubtably thought to rise but I found them selves either start without volume or just in a push to keep pressing upward trend and that is something that you can’t predict but you have to kinda use your chart not your heart and try to find the best message to your training. Just always constantly having your eyes in the news in your eyes on the chart will help you to not only become a better trailer but become more successful as you continue down the process of training and that’s just the fun in the uniqueness of training and the reason why we do it.
If you give me a chance I would really change it because these things are hit or miss just being prepared and ready to make the right adjustments in order for it to be successful practice using paper trading and just be ready for anything that comes your way you never know I’m just a arbitrated.
Jackosen : i thought that market sentiment should be down due to high inflation rate and bank crisis. However, it is still no showing signs. Thus now stuck with SQQQ and losing.
Blest27 Sai : I did not expect to lose so much money but I’ve been following stockmoe and it’s been paying off I have doubled my losses to gains I’m up 5% on all gains let’s get rich this year haha