骨神 : Wait long long
bangkokinsomnia OP 骨神 : hahaha this post is going to trigger a lot of bulls
Sfkyyy : Waiting to buy at a dollar again
East America Sfkyyy : Are you serious about a dollar if I might have written back ten years ago
Sfkyyy East America : I was joking lol
East America Sfkyyy : After that, if it falls to a dollar, it will go out of business
East America Sfkyyy : Do you have any deals today
骨神 : Wait long long
bangkokinsomnia OP 骨神 : hahaha this post is going to trigger a lot of bulls
Sfkyyy : Waiting to buy at a dollar again
East America Sfkyyy : Are you serious about a dollar if I might have written back ten years ago
Sfkyyy East America : I was joking lol
East America Sfkyyy : After that, if it falls to a dollar, it will go out of business
East America Sfkyyy : Do you have any deals today